Website > Newsletter > Tasting Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Taste buds for
Bitter flavor
Taste buds for
Acid flavor
Taste buds for
Salty flavor
Taste buds for
Sweet flavor
Nowadays, olive oil tasting is increasingly popular among gastronomy enthusiasts, as it is a pleasant and agreeable way of exploring the different aroma and taste subtleties of this product. In Spain, where we have such a wide Olive Oil range, this experience can be great fun.
Each olive, coming from a tree adapted to a certain "terroir" and climate characteristics, produces a variety of EVOO with specific physicochemical and organoleptic characteristics.
Therefore, EVOO of the same variety produced in different geographical areas can present different aroma and taste. Likewise, one Olive variety may produce oil of different characteristics depending on the fruit’s ripeness in harvest time. There may also be variations in the aroma and taste from one year to another, depending on the conditions of each campaign.
Tasting is necessary to establish the character and personality of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Each Olive oil has a characteristic aroma and taste. It is important to be aware of the fact that color is not the only factor that reflects the quality of the product. Therefore, professional tasters use dark blue crystal glasses so as to not be influenced by the color or tones of the product.
When tasting, the aroma of olive oil can be appreciated by slightly heating up the glass and breathing its emanations several times to identify them with vegetable smells (fresh cut grass, apple, green almond, etc).
As for taste, a small quantity is enough to appreciate olive oil’s taste. Mouth can reveal the bitterness or itch, positive attributes of the product. Evoo is usually first tasted in the top of the tongue. Subsequently, by slowly and continually breathing in, it slips to the palate and then down the throat. Either bread or green apple may be used between each tasting to clean the mouth.
The terms used in EVOO tasting somehow remind to wine tasting. Good Extra Virgin Olive Oil should be balanced and harmonic. It is described in general terms such as fruity (green or ripe), spicy, bitter or sweet or in more specific terms such as grass, green leaves or other references to vegetables (artichoke, tomato…) and fruit (almond, apple, banana).
Producing as choosing a superior quality first cold pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil can be similar to selecting a good wine, where aromas and texture blends with flavors that are unique, and create very particular characteristics